As 80% of the world’s wastewater flows untreated into the environment...
12 ways to turn water from waste to resource
<<As 80% of the world’s wastewater flows
untreated into the environment, we asked an expert panel to discuss how to
promote water reuse>>
A pedestrian walks past a wall adorned with water conservation messages
in Mumbai. Photograph: Punit Paranjpe/AFP/Getty Images
1 | Highlight success stories
The main message we should give is that proper reuse
can save money and generate income, and is good for the environment. In the
Netherlands, there is now a wastewater plant that actually generates energy. As
a sector we need to highlight such examples, provide technical options and work
with the public to raise their awareness about the danger to their health
around wastewater. Arjen Naafs, technical adviser, WaterAid South Asia,
2 | Tackle cultural stigma
Wastewater is often out of sight and out of mind.
There is resistance not just from the public to re-use but also from
governments and health authorities. In one recent project on wastewater
management we demonstrated that water was safe for specific re-use. Christopher
Corbin, programme officer, pollution prevention, UN Caribbean Environment
Programme, @cristojc, @UNEP_CEP
We have examples of successful reuse – such as biogas
installations in Ethiopia fuelling kitchen units, eco-san toilets in peri-urban
Mozambique, and a co-composting plant in Bangladesh which produces fertiliser.
In all examples, however, it takes a considerable effort for awareness raising
and longer term presence. It is possible, but it requires determination and
patience. Arjen Naafs
3 | Talk money
Wastewater farmers make cost savings due to their
reduced use of chemical fertilisers. For example, farmers in Mexico who
irrigate about 140 hectares [346 acres] of land make a cost saving of $135
[£107] per hectare per year, a substantial amount of money which would
otherwise be used to purchase chemical fertilisers. Work in Pakistan has shown
that farmers with access to untreated wastewater could harvest more crops per
year, and earned more than $600 [£476] per hectare per year more than farmers
using regular irrigation water, as a result of higher cropping intensities and
savings in fertiliser costs. Prince Antwi-Agyei, independent consultant – water
and sanitation, NHance Development Partners Limited
The sale of reused water for industrial use can be a
big driver for utilities to invest in wastewater treatment. Nagpur Municipal
Corporation is India’s first (and perhaps only) civic body to earn money from
sewage. However, policy issues regarding the industrial use of wastewater and
the transportation costs for carrying wastewater away from urban areas to
industries have made this difficult in most parts of the country. Some
pragmatism in policy change can go a long way in making wastewater treatment a
financially lucrative proposition. Shrey Goyal, director & co-founder,
Sustainable Growth Initiative, @ShreyGoyal, @ThinkSGI
4 | Use good PR
Communication is the key. The Singapore story is so
successful because they had a visionary leader who communicated the new water
programme incredibly well to citizens. Lee Kuan Yew ensured his citizens were
ready for the transformation. Pritha Hariram, programme manager, water supply
and sanitation services, International Water Association, @PrithaHariram,
5 | Link to national priorities
So often we hear about the lack of political will on
many environmental issues, in both developing and developed countries. Frankly,
many decision makers see wastewater as an investment without any returns. We
need to change that dialogue. We can do this by speaking their language and
making linkages to national priorities, such as health, employment and
development. Christopher Corbin
6 | Highlight public health
One emerging global challenge is antimicrobial
resistance (AMR), which can be spread from wastewater treatment systems. Like
many emerging health challenges, AMR may be difficult to contain to one part of
the world. This has negative social and economic implications and is currently
being treated as a public health issue, with attention to minimising antibiotic
use. However, it is critical to ensure that waste containing AMR traits is
safely managed. We need more information about emerging contaminants and it
will be important to think about this as a growing number of countries start
releasing these compounds into wastewater streams. Sarah Dickin, research
fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, @seiresearch, @sarahdickin
7 | Make investment viable
It’s not the lack of access of finance, it’s about
managing risks for financiers. Investors and development banks are looking for
government or industry partners that are creditworthy, that have the vision to
carry the projects all the way. This requires looking at new business models
including PPPs [public-private partnerships], good procurement and
performance-based contracts. Here is a good example where development
financiers worked with two entities in Kampala, Uganda, to build their
capacities to embark on this journey. Pritha Hariram
8 | Partner up
We got great visibility for wastewater by linking up
with regional NGO partners – the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean and the
Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association – who already had a political forum
of ministers. We were then able to raise the profile through partnering with
the Inter-American Development Bank and UN Environment. Part of what we need to
do as agencies to engage decision makers is work collectively, with the private
sector, UN agencies, NGO and development banks. Christopher Corbin
9 | Be politically active
Political activism and applying pressure on local
governments can work wonders, and can sometimes lead to cities adopting more
progressive policies. For example, Delhi now plans to reuse 25% of total sewage
produced by 2017, 50% by 2022, and 80% by 2027. This is primarily due to
widespread awareness of the horrific state of the Yamuna river flowing through
the city. Shrey Goyal
10 | Get the media on side
We can do all the studies to show the benefits derived
from treating and reusing water. The main challenge, however, is how to
communicate these findings to them. There is the need to partner with the media
to convey this message. From my experience in Ghana, politicians are mostly
forced to work when the media push them. Prince Antwi-Agyei
11 | Work with religious
In some countries, people have religious beliefs that
prohibit consuming crops irrigated with wastewater. In these cases, FAO [Food
and Agriculture Organization] works with the local government and religious
leaders to build knowledge and raise awareness among communities. Religious
leaders play a vital role in this specific situation, telling people that usage
of treated wastewater in agriculture is not against religion. Marlos De Souza,
water platform secretary, Food and Agriculture Organization, @marlosOz
12 | Use tech well
I was once part of a pilot for a cheap water-purifier
solution being marketed across urban and rural low-income households. A small
instrument was used to show how wastewater compared to packaged mineral water,
tap water, and river or stream water in terms of total dissolved solids.
Interestingly, this saw some success among the urban poor and middle income
households, but not so much in rural areas. Shrey Goyal